We hope you're feeling loved, because you've been gifted a one year one-year subscription to Knifey's Signature Chef's Knife!
About Knifey: Knifey is the revolutionary new service that provides amazing kitchen knives and keeps them sharp for you through the mail.
How it Works: As a part of your gift subscription, you'll be receiving an initial sharp shipment of our razor-sharp Signature Chef's Knife. Six months after your subscription begins, you will receive a newly sharpened chef's knife in the mail. You'll then use that box and the prepaid label to return your old knife, and you'll be razor sharp again. At the end of your 12 month subscription, you'll have the option to continue the service to a paid plan, or send back the knife with a prepaid label.
If you have any questions at all, don't hesitate to contact us at TalkToUs@knifey.com. We look forward to making sure you always have a sharp knife in the kitchen!